Sunday, January 23, 2011

On new beginings.

This time last year (actually early November 2009), I decided to start this blog. A few posts later and everything went by the wayside. I've had some fairly significant life changes over the past year and I'm determined re-start this blog.

So by way of re-introduction, my name is Dr M. I'm from Brisbane, Australia but my boyfriend and I moved to northern England so that I could spend a few years working with some brilliant scientists. The move has been much tougher than I thought and I'm desperately missing my friends and family in Australia. Part of the reason why I decided to restart this blog was to take part in Kendi Everyday's 30 for 30 challenge. Being lonely and in a foreign country has meant that I spend a fairly significant portion of my spare time wandering aimlessly and spending money that quite frankly, I don't have. I'm hoping that by taking part in this challenge I'll make better use of my (very extensive) wardrobe and develop a new hobby that doesn't involve shopping!

Monday, January 4, 2010

365 Days - A self portrait series

Hello lovely readers!

I'm taking part in the 365 days project on flicker where members of the group post a daily self portrait. The rules state that the photo must be of yourself and taken by yourself. I'm looking forward to an enforced daily creative outlet and seeing what photos my little point and shoot Olympus camera is capable of!

So, I present you my first photo:

Dear readers, meet my swollen ankle. I manage to tear two ligaments a month ago, and it's only just starting to heel and settle down. I decided to photograph this foot first because my feet are my most disliked (hated!) part of my body, an insecurity I should really get over. I've studied ballet for 20+ years which has resulted in these ugly (and unpolished), calloused monstrosities!

I encourage all my readers to take part in this project!


Dr M.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A new year, a new decade, a new hope, a new start.

Hello lovely readers!

I've been been reflecting a lot on what was 2009, what I accomplished and what I didn't and I'm ashamed to say that the latter is the longer list. Like most of us I started 2009 off with a vague list of goals I wished to achieve, but had no real plan in place to help me succeed. My goals were whimsical and non-specific and when I decided to "work less and play more golf", I had no method or protocol (welcome my science friends) in place to succeed. I attempted to start up this blog, but apart from the welcome message it sat dormant. I'd hope to be much further along in in my career, have a few more publications under my belt and have new collaborations established, none of which happened. My relationship with my Love, my family and my friends suffered and I lost contact with people whom I was close to.

A lot of these failures are due to problems out of my control, however I have decided to take ownership and have a greater autonomy over my life. Instead of vague New Year resolutions I've decided to create a New Year 'motto'. Something that I can apply to each aspect of my life and something that will guide me through this coming year:
Make It Count
That's it. It's that simple. Irrespective to what your goal is, make every thing you do count. (Relaxing in the bath tub with a book counts as rejuvenating yourself!) Over the next few weeks, I'll detail how I'll apply it to my relationships, my career, my sense of self and my life in general. 

I'd love to hear how my lovely readers 'Make It Count" in their daily lives...

Love Dr M.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Find me on Polyvore!

Find me on Polyvore
I'm still a little shy about putting outfit photos up so I'm linking my new Polyvore site. Over the next few weeks hopefully I'll gain some courage and you'll get to see a little more of me!

Monday, November 2, 2009


Welcome to Closed in Shoes!

I started this blog as a form of combining and expressing two of my passions, science and fashion and to try and combat the stereotype that a sense of fashion and intelligence are mutually exclusive. I believe that what we wear influences the choices we make, how other people react to us and most importantly our identity and self worth. I hope to show you that looking and feeling fabulous doesn't take a lot of money, but rather identifying the image you want to project and having a little imagination!

Why "Closed in Shoes" as a blog title? I'm a post doctoral fellow in a Medical Research Institute where occupational health and saftey rules dictate that one must wear closed in shoes. While this does severly limit ones satorial choices, I hope you show you, dear readers that it does not impinge on your personal style!

Please feel free to email me at closedinshoes at

Lots of love,

Dr M.